Parents and students: Please join us!
Community Midrasha’s opening ceremony will be from 5:30-7:30 in the Mirkaz Limud building next to Judea Reform on Sunday, 8/28. Please come to hear information about the program, register for special events, meet fellow classmates, eat pizza, and take part in an important community service project!
We will be collection donations and assembling bags for BackPack Buddies. 1 in 4 children are at risk of hunger in NC and this is our chance to make sure they have healthy meals over the weekends. We’d like to pack as many bags as students enrolled in Midrasha – a lofty goal – please help by signing up to bring some supplies!
We look forward to seeing you (parents and students) on Sunday, 8/28 at 5:30 pm for registration info, dinner, fellowship, and service.
Please email Jen at director@communitymidrasha. org or call (919) 695-3868 with any questions!
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