Shalom Chevre,
Please join us for the Annual Meeting of our membership on May 21th, 2017 at 9:45 am. Our Annual Meeting is a moment where we gather as a community to discuss the state of our congregation and to exercise our constitutional authority to decide important matters that affect us all.
This year’s Annual Meeting will include a vote on the proposed board, discussion and vote on the proposed 2017- 2018 budget. It will be followed by an update on our Capital Campaign and a celebration afterwards of the remarkable progress we’ve made to date on this project. Come hear more about our progress, ask questions, and share your thoughts. We will also recognize and celebrate those who have contributed their time to Beth El, including our Volunteers of the Year, Andrea and Kevin Ginsberg.
Attached please find the Annual Meeting agenda, a new slate of officers, and next year’s budget. You are welcome to send any questions or comments regarding the slate, or budget to me via e-mail before our meeting. As Rachel wrote last year: “You may not have joined Beth El due to a love of attending meetings, but one of Beth El’s strengths is the congregation’s engagement in all aspects of the institution.” I look forward to seeing you May 21st to talk about the accomplishments of the year and the potential for the year ahead.
Beth El Our Story, Our Time Community Celebration
Following a brief update on synagogue renovation planning efforts, we will celebrate this project’s tremendous progress to date and toast to its ultimate success! Festivities will include lunch, champagne, and lots more fun showcasing past and present Beth El members’ stories and inviting everyone to help create new ones.
Please RSVP to or 919-682-1238 if you can attend. Childcare available by reservation by emailing
Here are the documents to review prior to the Annual Meeting:
2017-2018 Proposed Board Slate
Noah Pickus
President, Beth El Synagogue
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