The Beth El Bulletin is an exciting newsletter that will be delivered straight to your inbox and shared on our website, providing you with a virtual window into the heart of our community.
In The Beth El Bulletin, expect to find a treasure trove of “newsy” content, featuring special messages from Beth El staff and committees, highlights of our incredible members, adorable pictures of kiddos from Talmud Torah, and in-depth details about the various events and engagement opportunities happening at Beth El.
While our weekly newsletter, sent every Wednesday, will focus primarily on the upcoming week’s events, The Beth El Bulletin will delve deeper into the happenings within our community. What’s more, there’s a dedicated section just for you—our valued Beth El congregants—to share event information and announcements. Simply complete this form to have your content included the next bulletin!
Additionally, we invite everyone to join our community Facebook group, Friends of Beth El Synagogue. Here, you can share news and timely updates with fellow congregants as well as engage directly with the Beth El community, beyond the official synagogue communications. The group is monitored to ensure a welcoming and friendly community for everyone.
Similarly, don’t forget to follow our general Facebook page, Beth El Synagogue, and connect with us on Instagram (@betheldurham) and YouTube (@bethelsynagoguedurham) to stay up to date on all things Beth El.