The Ritual Committee in consultation with the Rabbi shall propose policies concerning all religious services of the Congregation, including all life cycle events; shall formulate rules and regulations for all such services, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, and shall recommend the engagement of Shelichei Tzibbur as may be necessary for the High Holy Days and other special occasions. It shall offer to the Rabbi such advice and guidance that may be required 11 regarding the character and mode of the various services and shall be empowered to enforce the rules of Kashrut as determined by the Rabbi. It shall also be responsible for seating arrangements at services during the High Holy Days and at other times during the year, and for appointing and overseeing gabbaim, service leaders, torah readers, and ushers for the various services.
Below are links to recent communications sent to the congregation regarding issues that have been brought to the Ritual Committee for discussion. For more information please contact co-chairs Randi Smith or Meg Anderson.