Beth El LifeLong Learning
The Beth El Lifelong Learning Committee is made up of Beth El members committed to bringing a variety of Jewish learning classes and programs to the Beth El and greater Triangle Jewish Communities.
Our Lifelong Learning Committee offers
classes, lectures, & discussion groups covering diverse topics,
including courses such
as Prayerbook
Mindfulness Meditation, Jewish Holidays Torah and Haftorah
studies, Psalms, Megillot, and much more.
Classes mostly take
place Sunday mornings at Beth El, or in the evenings in Durham
or Chapel Hill.
Most Saturday mornings at 8:45a.m., people meet in the Beth El Freedman Center to study Mishnah before Shabbat Services. There is also a text study on most Wednesday mornings (for approx. 20 minutes) following Wednesday morning minyan. Both of these study groups are open everyone whether you can come every week or only once in a while.
Beth El also runs a special Shabbaton Weekend at Emerald Isle in December of every year.
Our Adult B'nei Mitzvah Program is an opportunity
for adults to reconnect and recommit themselves to Judaism, studying
together, learning to read Hebrew together, Torah trope, studying
together, culminating in a special ceremony during Shavuot.