- Rabbi Greyber’s Remarks for the DCRI Diversity Lecture Series on April 18, 2019: Learning to Love Difference: The Past, Present and Future of the Jewish People and the Human Race”
- Rabbi Greyber’s Remarks from the 2019 Clergy Conference, “Violence, Anti-Semitism, and the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible”
- Rabbi Greyber’s Discussion with Bishop Ronald Godbee of the River Church after their trip to Israel with Interfaith Partners for Peace (11/27/18): https://drive.google.com/a/betheldurham.org/file/d/1ut8dzBvrFJxz9RGbrVgT34m4Cte3GU_m/view?usp=drivesdk
- Rabbi Greyber on NPR’s The State of Things 2/11/13 discussing his book: http://wunc.org/post/rabbis-faith-shaped-grief
- Text Study & Prayers for Peace at the Triangle-Wide Community Gathering in Support of Israel and Peace co-hosted by The Jewish Federation of Durham-Chapel Hill & The Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary, August 13, 2014
Dogs and Regrets – Rabbi Greyber’s contribution to the community-wide S’lichot program, The Shpeil, held at the Levin JCC in Durham on the evening of September 20, 2014. Listen to it here or
see a video of the full program online here (Rabbi Greyber’s story begins at the 55:10 mark).
Rabbi Greyber was the keynote speaker at the Durham-Chapel Hill Jewish Community Foundation’s 15th Anniversary Lunch (Fall, 2011). Video is split between the two files below:
Rabbi Greyber spoke at the Durham-Chapel Hill Jewish Community Conference on Special Needs in the Jewish Community (2/16/12). Click link below for audio file:
Rabbi Greyber spoke to the Rotary Club of Chapel Hill on June 1, 2012. Click link below for audio file: