Chavurah Minyan
Your Home for Traditional, Inclusive Prayer
The Chavurah Minyan is a lay-led, traditional-egalitarian minyan within the Beth El community. Since its inception in 2012, our minyan has offered a spiritually fulfilling, joyful, intimate davening experience where all are welcome to come as they are. The minyan includes people of all ages and genders, singles, couples, families, children, teenagers, and seniors alike. Many participants are also active in the main Beth El congregation, the Orthodox Kehillah, and other communities around the Triangle.
Attend Chavurah Minyan
The minyan meets monthly for Shabbat morning services starting at 9:00 am, typically the third Shabbat of each month, either in the tent (when weather permits) or in the Multipurpose Room. We also meet on the first day of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as well as on select other holidays.
Dates for the first half of 2025 include January 18, February 15, March 15, April 19, May 10, and June 21.
About the Service
Our services follow the traditional liturgy in an unabridged and fairly speedy fashion, infused with lots of spirited singing and vibrant melodies, old and new. We read the full Torah portion and haftarah, and there is a thoughtful dvar Torah by a member of the community. We provide both the Koren (Orthodox) and Lev Shalem (Conservative) siddurim, but feel free to bring your own siddur if you prefer. All roles are completely gender-inclusive, and we don't use any microphones or streaming during the services.
We embrace all who wish to participate, especially those seeking to hone their davening skills. Whether it’s your first time reading Torah, leading services, or delivering a d’var Torah, our supportive community is here to guide you every step of the way.
Connect with Us Today!
We are always looking for new people to get involved with leading services, reading Torah and haftarah, and giving divrei Torah, as well as those looking to learn to do any of those things. To learn more, reach out to us at
Organizing Team
- Gabriella Bein, Torah reading coordinator
- Jonathan Breitzer, davening coordinator
- Susan Breitzer, dvar torah coordinator
- Adam Levine, communications coordinator
- Esther Mack, gabbai coordinator
- Alexandra Bicks, member-at-large