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Additional Ways to Contribute

You can donate to Beth El Synagogue in a way that is most convenient for you. We offer multiple options: Cash or check, online donation using PayPal or a credit card, contributing shares of stock, and Legacy Giving.

Donate Online:

Click here

Cash or Check:

If you prefer to send cash or check, mail to Beth El Synagogue, 1004 Watts Street, Durham, NC 27701. Please include the following information:

My name_______________________ Phone_____________________
Fund(s) contributing to: _______________________

Optional information:

In Memory of ______________________________________
In Honor of ________________________________________
❑ Speedy Recovery ❑ Happy Birthday ❑ Bar/Bat Mitzvah
❑ Best Wishes ❑ Happy Anniversary ❑ Other ________________________
Please send acknowledgement to:
Address__________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________

Contributing Shares of Stock

Many Beth El members contribute shares of appreciated stock to pay their dues or donate to the Annual Fund or other funds and programs. If you choose this method, you do not pay tax on your capital gain, and you receive a charitable deduction equal to the entire fair market value of the shares of stock. Take these steps: (1) consult your tax advisor; (2) contact the Executive Director for specific instructions.

Legacy Contributions

If you are interested in discussing after-lifetime donation opportunities, please email the Executive Director

Youth Education

You can also support our education programming by linking your Harris Teeter VIC Card to benefit the Talmud Torah. Here’s how:

Visit the Harris Teeter website or, the next time you’re at Harris Teeter, simply tell your cashier during check-out that you want Beth El’s account number, 5883 , linked to your Harris Teeter VIC card.  Once the account number is linked, every time you shop during the school year, 2% of your Private Label purchases will be contributed to the Beth El Talmud Torah. You need to re-link your card every academic year.

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785