Beth El Synagogue is a pluralistic and diverse congregation welcoming all who wish to enjoy an enriching experience through spiritual growth, observance and mitzvot. We seek to create a Kehilla, a Jewish village, molding responsible citizens of our local communities and the larger world.
Tot Shabbat
Friday, Mar 14th 5:30p to 6:00pA joyful, musical Shabbat experience designed for children ages 0-5 and their grown-ups!
Eat, Schmooze, Pray
Friday, Mar 14th 6:00p to 7:30pAccessible, meaningful, musical Kabbalat Shabbat services and snacks for the whole family.
Purim Shiur by Sophia Avants
Shabbat, Mar 15th 1:00p to 2:00pSophia Avants, Ph.D. did her doctorate at Claremont in Hebrew Bible, with a dissertation on Mishnah Yoma. She has studied gemara at Pardes in Jerusalem and will be the Educational and Cultural Affairs Fellow at the Albright Institute in Jerusalem this Fall. She is working at Duke with Eric Meyers on the mikvaot at Sepphoris, in the Lower Galilee.
Purim Storytime with Rabbi Leah Rachel Berkowitz
Sunday, Mar 16th 9:30a to 10:00aYou're invited by Beth El Synagogue and PJ Library for a free reading and book signing of the Purim favorite "Queen Vashti's Comfy Pants" by the author herself!
Tot Purim Party
Sunday, Mar 16th 10:00a to 11:00aJoin Eliana Light for a fun-filled morning of song, play, and games as we celebrate Purim with our littlest friends and their grown ups!
Friday Night
Tot Shabbat : 5:30pm |
Eat, Schmooze, Pray : 6:00pm |
Candle Lighting : 7:04pm |
Shabbat Day
Teen Takeover/New Drivers Shabbat |
Mishnah Study : 8:45am |
OK Services : 9:00am |
Chavurah Minyan : 9:00am |
Shabbat Morning Services : 9:30am |
Shabbat Childcare : 10:00am |
Peer Tutoring : 10:15am |
Purim Shiur by Sophia Avants : 1:00pm |
Havdalah : 8:13pm |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 14, 7:04pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 15, 8:13pm |